Monday, October 27, 2014

How to Throw Projectiles

Many newbies have asked me "How do I throw projectiles?" over the years. You'll need to know how to throw projectiles to complete the WASA Zero Gravity Game and if you ever want to throw stuff at your Whyville friends, enemies, or, dare I say, "frenemies".

So let's begin on our projectile launching adventure. First, you'll need some projectiles. There are various ways to obtain them. A friend can send them to you, if you buy pearls and buy a pet with those pearls, you can train your pet to "dig" and they may find projectiles for you, you can get free projectiles at Whyville's famous annual Halloween parties, or, the simplest way, you can just buy them at Ye Olde Projectile Shoppe.

So now that you you have some, you'll need to know how to throw them. In your satchel, go to the projectiles section and familiarize yourself with the projectiles you have. There is now a handy feature that tells you what to say to throw each projectile.

For example, let's say you were feeling festive and wanted to throw some tangled-up Christmas lights at someone. Your first instict is to say "throw christmas lights", right? Wrong. You would say "throw lights". This confusion can be avoided by looking at your projectiles and their descriptions in your satchel.

There are two ways to throw projectiles. You can throw one at a specific person in a chatroom, or in a specific direction. You can also leave projectiles around a chatroom for others to use. Just say "drop (projectile)" in a chatroom.

To throw a projectile at a person, chat "throw (projectile) (username). So if you wanted to throw a pie at me, you would say "throw pie jelloroks".

This technique, however, is not foolproof. If your intended victim moves the projectile will miss them. If someone crosses their path, you will have just throw a pie at an innocent person. Shame on you.

To throw a projectile in a specific direction, you will need to type "throw (projectile) (angle).
Refer to the chart below as to which angle to say for the direction you want the projectile to go. With practice, you won't need the chart, and you'll just have it memorized, like me. ;)

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